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Although uncommon, it is possible to die during sleep from untreated obstructive sleep apnea. Observational research has found that OSA increases a person's risk of sudden death. This risk is believed to be higher in people of older age, in people with a critical illness, and in people with severe OSA.
Dec 22, 2023
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Studies in clinical samples also show that untreated OSA is associated with an increased rate of cardiac events and cardiovascular mortality. Indeed, the ...
Jan 18, 2023 · Obstructive sleep apnea does increase the risk of sudden cardiac death, which describes when a person dies because their heart abruptly stops or ...
Sleep apnoea is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality and all-cause sudden death, with a marginally significant dose–response ...
Feb 27, 2020 · Results show that people who have severe sleep apnea, which involves frequent breathing pauses during sleep, have three times the risk of dying ...
Moderate-to-severe sleep apnea was associated with 33% mortality over 14 years compared to 6.5% and 7.7% mortality in people with mild or no sleep apnea, ...
Jul 28, 2021 · The researchers found that people with OSA have a greater risk of dying suddenly from various causes, including cardiovascular death.
Mar 12, 2022 · Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes difficulty breathing while sleeping. It can cause high blood pressure and even sudden death.
While there have been some high-profile deaths linked to sleep apnea—such as with Judge Antonin Scalia —Jun says that the true risk is from damage done over ...
Jun 11, 2019 · Sleep apnea can lead to sudden cardiac death. If you have a history of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, or another chronic illness, ask your ...