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Elementary teachers’ weak math skills spark mandatory crash courses

Amid falling student scores, faculties of education are tackling a “huge problem” among Ontario elementary teachers who don’t “get” basic math.

3 min read

Professor Mary Reid, with “math manipulatives” a the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, says OISE sends a practice test to student teachers in the summer so they can start tackling their weak spots.

Elementary teachers’ weak math skills — some can’t even recall Grade 6 fractions — have sent Ontario teachers’ colleges scrambling to launch mandatory crash courses, with some making student teachers pass a math test to graduate.

Teachers’ math phobia, which faculties of education across North America view as a “huge problem,” are seen as one factor in Ontario’s falling student math scores, especially in grade school, where most teachers have a liberal-arts background and have not studied math since high school.


Lack of math skills for elementary teachers is seen as a “huge problem” for North American education faculties, especially in Ontario where most teachers have a liberal-arts background and have not studied math since high school.


Some teachers “have no idea what a ‘remainder’ is. They think a remainder of 3 is the same as decimal 3,” says Mary Reid, a professor at U of T’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

Louise Brown
Louise Brown

Louise Brown is a former Star education reporter.

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