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Заход: 26 Feb 2017, 12:20
Происхождение кефира
Родиной кефирного грибка является подножие Эльбруса, именно отсюда он начал с 1867 года распространяться по миру. Сам кефир продавался, а его грибки и технологию производства горцы карачаевцы и балкарцы держали в тайне. Производство кефира в СССР (в России) началось в XX веке и связано со следующей историей. Ирина Сахарова окончила в 1906 году школу молочного дела и была направлена Всероссийским обществом врачей в Карачай для того, чтобы выведать у карачаевцев секрет изготовления кефира. Но никто не хотел выдавать рецепт напитка на чужбину… Однажды в пути её догнали пятеро всадников и насильно увезли. Это «умыкание невесты» произошло по поручению узденя Бекмурзы Байчорова, влюбившегося в красивую девушку, его родственником Хасаном Магамедовичем. Дело дошло до суда. Ирина простила обвиняемого и в возмещение морального ущерба попросила выдать ей рецепт изготовления кефира. Просьба была удовлетворена. С 1913 года бодрящий, полезный напиток широко продавался в Москве.
Эта история не о кефире, а о Айране. Он другой ,на любителя. И делали его не только карачаевцы, но и почти все народы Сев. Кавказа и Закавказья. Это в бывшем СССР. На Ближнем востоке он тоже популярен. Но мне наш, родной кефир нравится больше.
Стаж: 11 лет 8 месяцев 4 дня
Постов: 347
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Заход: 23 Aug 2014, 13:07
What Caused The U.S. Military To Start Tracking Santa Claus?
Correct answer: A Sears Advertisement
NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defense Command) is a joint operation between the US and Canadian governments designed to monitor and protect the sovereign airspace of the two nations. The precursor of NORAD was CONAD (the Colorado Springs’ Continental Air Defense Command Center)–both located in the U.S. military’s hardened Cheyenne Mountain base.
On December 24, 1955 a local Sears store ran an ad in a Colorado Springs newspaper with a telephone hotline that purported to be a direct line to Santa Claus. The only problem was a huge typo in the Sears ad routed the phone calls not to the Sears staff but to the CONAD switchboard. Colonel Shoup, the commanding office on duty that evening, instructed his staff to answer the calls from hopeful children and give them the location and status of Santa Clause as he completed his wild around-the-world toy delivery run.
When CONAD converted to NORAD the tradition was passed on. Every year since then NORAD has faithfully answered phone calls and emails from all over the world updating curious children on the location and status of Santa Clause. What started off as a handful of soldiers answering the calls of Colorado Springs children has grown to include a large crew of volunteers that handle roughly 12,000 emails and 70,000 phone calls from children the world over. The operation even has a website with a virtual radar system and social media presence. If it’s Christmas Eve and you absolutely need to know where the Fat Man is, you can count on NORAD to assure you he’s out, about, and delivering toys to all the good girls and boys.
Стаж: 11 лет 8 месяцев 4 дня
Постов: 347
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Карма: 13%
Заход: 23 Aug 2014, 13:07
Cameras Hidden In What Office Equipment Helped The U.S. Gain Access to Soviet Secrets?
Answer: Photocopiers
At the peak of the Cold War, the United States was desperate to gain high level access to Soviet secrets in the name of squeaking out an edge in the conflict. While some rather wild ideas were pitched (and even brought into development) such as building a bionic cat with microphones embedded in its body, none were as successful as a Trojan-horse style attack on the Soviet embassies and facilities using, of all things, the unassuming photocopier.
It all began in 1961 when CIA agents realized that the Soviet Embassy was on complete lock down with only Soviets with high clearance entering and leaving. The only chink in the embassy’s armor was the Xerox repairman. Early copy machines were revolutionary but they were finicky beasts and required lots of routine maintenance and refilling by a trained technician. The CIA realized the repairman was the key. They approached Xerox vice-president John Dessauer and pitched their idea: putting miniature cameras in all the copy machines in order to photograph every document the Soviet clerks photocopied for the agents and embassy staff.
Xerox got behind the project and the CIA bought a small bowling alley near one of Xerox’s largest factories. Inside that bowling alley turned Cold War research facility, Xerox engineers devised as perfect an espionage tool as any spy agency could hope for: a camera that fit nearly invisibly inside the complex innards of the popular Xerox Model 914 copier, photographed every single copy made, and stored the negatives so the copier technician could easily swap them out as part of his routine maintenance on the machine.
The program was so successful that eventually the CIA slipped the photocopy-cameras into every copier in every embassy around the world. The project continued until 1969 when, by pure chance, an American company was discovered using the same tactic while engaged in corporate espionage against a rival company. After the scandal hit the news the CIA pulled the plug on the operation fearing for the safety of agents and technicians carrying out the film swaps.
Although the program was prematurely terminated, during the time it was active the CIA acquired tens of thousands of classified documents that gave the United States a decisive edge in navigating the politics and conflicts of the Cold War.
Город: Toronto
Стаж: 12 лет 22 дня
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СССР: Днепропетровск
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Заход: 12 Sep 2024, 06:51
Город: Toronto
Стаж: 12 лет 22 дня
Постов: 10707
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СССР: Днепропетровск
Пол: М
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Заход: 12 Sep 2024, 06:51
Будучи в Днепропетровске, посмотрел по украинскому телевидению программу "Свидок" (что значит "Свидетель" по-украински) - там демонстрируют видеоролики, заснятые людьми, ставшими свидетелями чего-то примечательного. У них имеется и соответствующий сайт - svidok.com.